シマ唄「朝花節」marin. 茉倫


Asabana-bushi is one of the most popular songs of shimauta, which is the traditional music of Amami Oshima.It is sung as greeting song in the first part of parties or festive events.
The song would also purifies the surroundings and be ideal for vocal warm up. There are various kinds of lyrics and people express words of joys with the guests, people they met for the first time or haven’t met for a long time.

歌詞: lyrics

十七、八、二十の頃 遊でぃうむしるさ 十七、八、二十の頃
●日本語訳: 人生で最も楽しさに満ち溢れいてるのは、17歳から20歳の頃です。
●English : Age of around 17 to 20 is one of the most fulfilling moments of life.

あん雲くわぁぬ下だろうど わきゃが加那しゃる人や あん雲くわぁぬ下だろうど
●日本語訳:私の愛する人は、 あの雲の下にいるのでしょうか。
●English : I wonder if my loved one is under that cloud.

【撮影協力】 撮影地提供:奄美リゾートばしゃ山村(http://basyayama-mura.com/)


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